Health Services

​Please contact the school nurse with any student health-related questions or concerns

Nora Springs Campus 641-749-5301

Manly Campus 641-454-3283

Click the image or link above for health-related forms


Iowa Department of Public Education

Health Requirements to Attend School

Immunization Requirements

Iowa law requires all students to show proof of adequate immunization prior to attending school.

Illness Information 

General Illness Guidance

We follow IDPH guidance: Common Child Illnesses and Exclusion Criteria for Education. This document outlines each type of illness, when to stay home, and when to return.  

Students with symptoms of illness should remain home and consider seeking a medical evaluation for the following conditions:

Peanut/Egg Aware

Central Springs is a Peanut and Egg Aware school district. This means when providing treats for a celebration, providing school snacks for your child, or packing a school lunch, please read food labels and AVOID food items that contain peanuts, peanut butter, tree nuts, foods that are made in a facility that processes peanuts or tree nuts, and avoid ‘visible’ egg food items such as hard boiled eggs and scrambled eggs, (food items that have egg baked in such as muffins and cookies are acceptable). Tree nuts include: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, coconuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.